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  1. I'm feeling real good why not do a give-away!? 
    You get 1 bridal session (40 minutes), two enlargements and a disc of edited images. Online proofing for 9 months will be there for your viewing. Oh and your groom can come too! (Value of $200)

    IF you are already married, but are dying for this, then let's do a couple shoot instead! We won't make them look like engagements, but married ones!

    How to win? 4 ways to get 4 chances to win.
    1. 1 entry for a comment/email.
    2. Another entry if you give a link (through that same comment or email) to YOUR blog about my photography or giveaway.
    3. Another entry if you refer someone else about it, and they too comment/email (don't forget to tell them to tell me who you are). 
    4. ANOTHER entry-(wow lots of chances!) if you are a follower. (let me know when you add as a new follower)

    Is that how give-aways usual go? Okay good. Let's do it! I'll give this a week... So it ends on March 18. Good luck!OH- this can be used here in Utah, (Utah or Salt Lake County), OR Orange County. If it's an Orange County one, we'll need to arrange a date I will be down there and hopefully it's a time that's perfect for you.

    closed. results in the morning! stay tuned!

  2. 117 heart-to-hearts:

    1. consider conrad and me contestants! if we get it, it would obviously be an orange county session. if we don't, hope to see you when you guys come down! maybe we can do lunch again!!

    2. m.estelle said...

      uh yes paleez.


    3. abby said...

      oooh yes, i am all over this. love your work.

    4. abby said...

      (and i just became a follower.)

    5. e.wilson said...

      1. i already stalk, i mean follow you.


      that is all.

    6. Ali said...

      Well..we would totally love this!

    7. ...i am officially entering for the contest!!!

    8. Bree said...

      Pick me! I'm already married but on our wedding day (nearly a year ago) we ran out of time to do portraits at a second location. It'd be fun to get our gear back on to do a couple shoot. I live in San Diego, but coming up to the OC isn't a hassle. (I'm also following you now. So enter me twice?)

    9. Unknown said...

      I'd love a couple shoot!

      I found your giveaway from

      I'm putting the giveaway link on both my family blog and my shoppe blog!

    10. :] I have a a link on my blog :]I have done all 4 things actually :] so excited! yay

    11. AB said...

      We are married but need couple pictures really bad! We both graduate this April and need pictures to send with our announcements. Pick us please!!

    12. Jalene said...

      oh man! i really hope i win. i LOVE your photography!

    13. Jalene said...

      and... i'm a follower. been one for a while.

    14. my name is lincoln and i was referred to you by Jalene, my fiance. she really wants us to win!

    15. AB said...

      Oops I forgot to add that I am a follower of your blog too. Thank you!

    16. Hillary said...

      Posted about the give-away on my blog and have my fingers crossed! Love you and your work! :)

    17. Lisa H. said...

      Ooh, ooh, ooh... pick me, pick me! You have such a great style and talent. Having some pics displayed in our home of my husband and I, taken by you, would be sa-weeet! (PS: I am your newest follower)

    18. Rebecca Lowe said...

      PLEASEEEE!!!! We need real pictures. If I win, could you let us have baby Danny in the pictures? you know my blog -- -- i posted a link to your giveaway, and i follow you :) yay for giveaways!

    19. Rebecca Lowe said...

      ps your link is on my sidebar. and i temporarily borrowed your beautiful picture for the link. hope that's ok :)

    20. Claire White said...

      ah! this would be so perfect! My sweet Brandon and I are getting married this June! We are both fans of your work! {and i'm in desperate search for a photographer to do bridals!} crossing my fingers!!

    21. Brandon said...

      Hey, I'm officially a new follower. The above comment (Kitty) is from Claire, my bride to be. I dunno if you remember me. I opened a show for your husband's band last September at Velour. (You took a couple pictures of me singing with Katie Brandeburg.) And I played before Drew at the Northplatte Christmas party. Anyway. Claire and I both really dig your work. Claire actually kind of stalks your blog... And she still needs someone to do her bridals... Needless to say, we really wouldn't mind winning this little giveaway, eh?... Anywho. Love your work! Tell Drew I said hi.

    22. Linnea said...

      Pick me, Elise, pick me! I would love some new couple photos of Jeff and I...especially if we could wait until the weather was a little nicer. ;-) Love the blog!

    23. Linnea said...

      Oh, I'm adding as a new follower of you, too. :-)

    24. Jessie said...

      I LOVE the art you create. Stunning lighting, beautiful coloring, and you capture emotions perfectly! I manage a photography studio in Provo and can't say enough how incredible your work is.

    25. Jessie said...

      Now I am a follower of your blog...

    26. Mama Thor said...

      I'm Claire's mom and Brandon's soon-to-be mother in law. They need this shoot! (I need this shoot!) beautiful work!

      {also, I'm a new follower!}

    27. Claire White said...

      Hey! just raving about you over here:

      crossing fingers, toes, and everything else!

    28. Kelli said...

      Hello! This is Kelli Lindahl. Don't know if we've officially met each other (?) but I'm Kirk's wife. Anyways, love your pictures, you're very talented. And would love them even more if you picked us! :)

    29. Mandy said...

      Your work is amazing! Consider me entered!

    30. D. Watts said...

      just read claire's cute post about you! loved it and am now a follower!! hope she wins!!

    31. Camera Spaz said...

      Dear Elise,
      My Friedn Claire Thorley ( has been talking about you and your work NON STOP!!! She is getting married June 25th and would lvoe to get this free bridal's with you!

    32. Diana Smith said...

      I would really love some updated photographs of my husband and I. We have been married for almost 2 years and have a baby on the way so Its kinda exciting to see the changes we make as the years go by. Photographs would be very much appreciated...especially by your work!

    33. Unknown said...

      Elise! i love your work and would love to win! (thanks for the cupcake the other day too, it was very very good! )

      I also blogged about you!

      and became a follower!

    34. Anonymous said...

      I would love to have some new pictures taken!!! Your work is beautiful!!!

      I blogged about you!!

      and became a follower!!

    35. brittany said...

      I'd love to win this giveaway. We don't have any pictures of my husband and i since we got married, and we also don't have any family photos with our little girl!

    36. Unknown said...

      by the way

      scott and melissa & brittany came from my blog. just thought i would tell you for the extra entry!

    37. P+B said...

      Hillary showed me your blog and I LOVE your work!! I'd love some new pictures of my hubby and I!

    38. Emily said...

      Hey! Claire sent my to your blog, hope she wins!

    39. Rosemary said...

      Claire (Kitty) is a jewel and I think she should win! I learned about you from her blog. You do some neat stuff!

    40. Unknown said...

      Ohh! Claire Thorley & Brandon White!
      They are so so cute together. (If it wasn't already apparent, this is an entry for claire! She sent me over to check out this beautiful blog of yours.)

    41. i'm a new follower and i love your pictures!
      claire is my lovely sister and brandon is my lovely brother in law to be and they want this so bad!

    42. Andrea said...

      a comment for Claire. she raved about you. so i came to see. . . and add my vote.

    43. Brittany said...

      Love this! I am now a follower and will post the giveaway on my blog.

    44. Jana said...

      I had to come and see what all the hooplah was about - Claire just can't keep talking about you (well, she really talks more about Brandon but that is the way it should be, right?)!!! And I must say, there is lots to be impressed over. You have great talent. I'd love to see Claire be a recipient of your generous offer and enjoy your work for years to come!

    45. Stacylyn said...

      I vote Claire! She's helping me out with my wedding although her wedding is a week later. I really appreciate her, and I think she deserves to win!

    46. Brianna said...

      I vote claire! I am a new follower to your blog and it looks great!

    47. Mrs. said...

      Claire Thorley is the most deserving bride to be. :)

    48. Jen said...

      Your stuff looks amazing!
      I vote for Claire Thorley!!!

    49. Whitney said...

      i vote Claire!!
      She's the best!

    50. Mandy said...

      I love your photography! It looks wonderful!

    51. Unknown said...

      You would not be sorry if Claire Thorley won this fantastic opportunity! She loves your work and to be frank, it would go perfectly with her personality. You take beautiful pictures!

    52. Teeneejs said...

      I also vote Claire Thorley!

      She is so modest about everything and she deserves something like this! I also think it would match her personality so well!

      You are amazing photographer by the way. And good luck!

    53. Rachel Ann said...

      I'd like to add one more for Claire Thorley. She is the SWEETEST girl. :)

    54. Rachel Ann said...

      Plus now that I've been here and looked around you'll be on a favorites list for future reference. Your work is gorgeous.

    55. Mandy said...

      I am a new follower...
      I vote for Claire!!
      She will soon be my amazing sister in law!!

    56. Jenna Baker said...

      Claire and B would LOVE this! And she'd look gorgeous under your talented photography. She is seriously one of the most amazing girls in the world, and deserves this more than anyone. I love her to death and I think she would be the luckiest girl if she were picked. Plus, you are amazingly talented, and this is just what she deserves.

    57. Ann Lewis said...

      I really hope you get to do Claire and B. What a perfect beautiful couple. She sent me here to look at your work and I love it!
      Ann L.

    58. Roma said...

      I really want Claire and Brandon to win your contest! They are the PERFECT couple to photograph! Love your pictures! I just became a follower too!

    59. Jana said...

      I commented earlier for Brandon and Claire but I just became a follower as well.

      Can't wait to see more good stuff here!

    60. Caitlyn said...

      I also vote for Claire. I really hope she gets is. P.S. I love your work.

    61. Jessie said...

      i would LOVE love this. plus, today is st. patty's day...and i'm feeling extra lucky!

    62. Jessie said...

      i'm also a follower!!

    63. I just became a follower!
      Your pictures are amazing!

    64. emilyfcutler said...

      I know your style is beautiful regardless, but if you want a stunning couple, Claire/Kitty and Brandon will make your work shine even more. They're probably the most stylish and fresh couple there is.

      I started following because your work really is nice.

      Pick Claire, you'll love her.

    65. Shar said...

      I'm entering for my sis. She's beautiful and getting married this summer.

    66. Lauren Craig said...

      I vote for my best friend in the world, claire thorley! She is an amazing girl and sent me over to your amazing blog, i am so so impressed! Pick claire :)

    67. Vote for Claire Thorley. She is going to make a beautiful bride.

    68. steph j. said...

      I just joined as a follower! Love your work. I wanted too vote for my Super sweet and super beautiful cousin Claire! She would be the best winner!

    69. I would like to make a vote, Claire!
      Your an amazing photographer!

    70. ana said...

      My friend Abby Woodland told me to comment on this post. Your photography is beautiful!

    71. The Boultons said...

      Hey Elise! Brad and I loved meeting with you yesterday! Can't wait to take our engagements. My fingers are crossed!

    72. Anonymous said...

      Elise I love your work! I can't wait to see how Abby and Brad's pictures turn out. I'm here voting for Abby Woodland.

    73. Lola said...

      I am here voting for Abby Woodland! Your pictures are beautiful, Abby and Brad will look GREAT in them! Pick her! :)

    74. Anonymous said...

      I vote for Abby Woodland

    75. Anonymous said...

      I want to place a vote for Abby Woodland because she's the best roommate in the world!

    76. Clarissa said...

      Oh, Elise. Why do you tease all the rest of us with only ONE giveaway?!

      Crossing my fingers!

    77. Anonymous said...

      This is for Abby Woodland! I have known her since Kindergarden and now she is getting married! so exciting! She totally deserves this! good luck honey!!!

    78. Madi said...

      i vote claire and brandon! probably the prettiest couple ever!

    79. Moe said...

      I vote for Claire Thorley

    80. leena said...

      I vote ABBY WOODLAND because she's beautiful, fun to be with and shes getting married!!!

    81. Nannie said...

      Voting for CLAIRE & BRANDON. Followed Claire's lead from her blog:
      I see why they love your work. Hope you choose them- they are a great looking couple and SO in love!

    82. Nannie said...

      Voted for CLAIRE & BRANDON.
      Just added as a NEW FOLLOWER.

    83. G said...

      You do great work. Claire's blog sent me here. Would love to see you photograph CLAIRE & BRANDO.
      Add my vote for CLAIRE & BRANDO.
      Add another vote- I'm a NEW FOLLOWER.

    84. becca said...

      commenting for abby woodland :)

    85. becca said...

      and another one for abby woodland please, i just became a follower :)

    86. if i wasn't already married....:)
      and claire + Brando blog said to vote for her. :)
      so i'm voting.

    87. Anonymous said...

      Voting for Claire

    88. I'm voting for my bride buddy Claire Thorley...and p.s. you do beautiful work.

    89. Audrey said...

      Abby Woodland sent me here!

    90. Audrey said...

      Abby Woodland sent me here!

    91. Gillian said...


    92. Gillian said...

      Votes for Claire and Brandon! Cutest little couple ever!!!!

    93. Unknown said...

      A vote for Abby Woodland!!

    94. Unknown said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
    95. Unknown said...

      This is Abby Woodland's mother, Julie. I love your work and look forward to meeting you in June. Pick Abby!!!

    96. Unknown said...

      This is Paige now! Pick Abby!!!

    97. Unknown said...

      This is Todd Woodland, Abby's father. We had to use my niece's gmail account cuz we don't have one. Please pick my daughter and save us some money.


    98. Unknown said...

      Cole Woodland speaking now, brother of the the bride, Abby Woodland!

      Pick Abby Please!!

    99. Anonymous said...

      Claire Thorley all the way!
      You could possibly also throw in some Brandon. He's not too bad :]

    100. This comment has been removed by the author.
    101. Unknown said...

      Voting for Claire and the B train

    102. I vote for my dear Claire and Brandon. They are the cutest couple ever and so in love. <3

    103. *cough cough* Claire and Brandon
      oh and i'm a follower

    104. Paige said...

      I vote for Claire!
      Love your style!

    105. I vote for Claire Thorley and her soon to be hubby!!! She has such a darling personality, that you would be able to capture!! ~***CLAIRE THORLEY***~

    106. Claire Thorley is my dear dear cousin. She deserves to win really bad.

    107. p.s. I am now a follower :]

    108. We vote for Claire Thorley!!!!!

    109. Kitty and Brandon.
      Aka Claire Thorley!

      We love you guys.
      Elise - your photography is amazing. Oh how I aspire to be like you. Following you now :}

    110. Kelly said...

      I'm voting for Claire and Brandon. They are really a gorgeous couple and deserve to be photographed by someone as talented as you. I'm following you.

    111. I vote for Claire Thorley!

    112. Hello.... I'm voting for my best friend claire bear and her man BranDann!!! What a lovely couple. :)

    113. Jenna Baker said...

      And p.s. besides the fact that Claire and Brandon should win:) I am following your blog now:)

    114. kara lynn said...

      Claire has the most amazing blog! for that and for her and her cute boy, they totally deserve a free photo shoot for their wedding!

    115. Unknown said...

      a vote for claire and brandon!

    116. Ashley said...

      I vote for Claire!!